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Default This happen to anyone?

dogsnus wrote:
> I think I'll stick with my old gas stove.
> It's got some cosmetic issues, such as the enamel on top has been repaired
> at one point and that's starting to peel a bit.
> But, it not only came with the house, it's also the first time
> in my life I've had a gas range and I'm loving it.
> It cooks different, requiring me to also cook a bit different.
> We've been in this new house for @ 6 weeks now, so my budget
> isn't going to allow me a new stove anytime soon.
> Since you mentioned your pressure cooker, I'm curious
> now to see how well my canner will work on this stove, too.
> Terri

We had a gas stove in our home until we sold it when I was 19... :-)
Mom canned many, many jars of tomatoes, berries, fish, even some
rattlesnake. <G> It actually took both of us awhile to learn to cook on
electric since we had had gas for so long!

You'll be ok, but it IS different than cooking on electric!

If I was not so afraid of having a flammable liquid pumped inside my
home...... <G>


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