On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 16:17:38 -0400,
>On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 21:14:55 -0400, Shirley Hicks >
>>I have sad news. Tim Hortons has gone large corporate, and the donuts
>>(and Tim Bits) are Just Not The Same(TM).
>I am ever so aware of who owns Tim Hortons now, due to family connections with
>its new owners.
Well then, please pass along my opinion of the latest move. 
<things Canuck not available in the US>
>>I didn't realize that these were a uniquely Canadian product. Must
>>remember to take some to the American pals.
<Coffee Crisps as export material>
>>Missisauga Mall? <grin> I'll have to let the PU's out in the suburbs
>Cant tell you anything about what it probably is really called. Its a huge mall
>along the 401 with its own elevated outside subway stop. It was always called
>the Missisauga Mall by me, that may or may not be its real name. I don't know
>that I would know it by its real name.
That would be Yorkdale. Mississauga is <mumble, mumble miles to the
west. I should know, I grew up there, and after a bit of globe
trotting, and a temporary sojourn back in that suburb, escaped into
the city.
Shirley Hicks
Toronto, Ontario
"A liberal is a conservative who's been through treatment."
- Garrison Keillor