Gerry > wrote in message > ...
> In article >, Gerry
> > wrote:
> Damn, my wife reminds me that I'm perpetuating a myth.
> > Across from Lee's, just off the corner in a stand-alone building in
> > front of the [Mall of Fortune, Brookhurst and Westminster,
> > Westminster CA], is a Cambodian place I've been hearing about for 8
> > years and never made it throught the front door. It's clientele
> > apparently come in staggered shifts...
> The restaurant is named Treu Chao (sp?). Though it is indeed always
> packed it is not the *true* Cambodian Treu Chao that everybody is crazy
> about, but instead a successful attempt to piggy-back the good name.
> The real deal is located at 1st street and Mountain View in a
> stand-alone unit in front of the Golden Lion restaurant.
> I've never even gotten out of my car there, much less gotten in. It
> looks like they are lined up a day in advance to get a good seat at the
> Rose Bowl.
I went there Friday afternoon and had the same experience as you - it
looked jammed, plus the small parking lot was jammed, and being street
cleaning day, there was no on-street parking.