In article >,
Michael Odom > wrote:
> Some friends came over for dinner last night. I cooked them trout.
> Somebody I know went fishing up in Wyoming or Idaho or some such state
> and brought back a passel o' frozen fishies which he kindly shared
> with me. Here's how I cooked them:
> I sweated some mushroom slices with chopped garlic in olive oil. When
> they were cooked through, I added lemon juice and chervil and chopped
> parsley. I let the mix cool to room temp and stuffed it into the
> cavities of the trout and fired up the pit.
> I got it good and hot. Way hot. Using lump charcoal and pecan twigs,
> I coaxed the temperature up to 450 F. and set the trout in the cooking
> chamber. Talk about hot smoked fish. Oh yeah. It was done in mere
> minutes. It was also very good.
> Other stuff on the menu included a Mexican style coctel de camarrones
> (sp?), a huge green salad, and oven roasted cauliflower (tosed with
> oil, salt, smoked paprika, and pepper).
> Nobody in Cow Hill ate better.
> modom
> "Dallas is a rich man with a death wish in his eyes."
> -- Jimmie Dale Gilmore
Sounds wonderful.. :-)
Trout has a delightfull flavor, the only thing I don't like about it is
all those very fine bones.
Does making fillet's out of it take care of that?
Sprout the MungBean to reply
"I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell--you
see, I have friends in both places." --Mark Twain