Hot Brown
On 9/19/2020 1:18 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
> If you make this, what kind of bread to you use? I ask because I ran
> across a recipe for it and want to make it but their recipe calls for
> Pumpernickel. This sounded off, so I looked up Alton Brown's recipe that
> I saw many years ago. He uses white bread but says the recipe is not
> authentic.
> I did find the authentic one from where it originates, and it says to
> use Texas Toast. There are many recipes online, most of which seem to
> use some form of white bread.
> I see many variations of sauces. Mornay, *******ised Mornay. even some
> strange mix of chicken broth, milk and cheese. And the cheese? That
> varies too, as does the method of preparation. Some say to broil the
> tomato first.
> I don't really care if mine is authentic, but I want it to taste good.
> Would the Pumpernickel be good? I'm not even sure that I ever had it
> before so I can't dredge up a memory of the taste. Not even sure I can
> get it here, but never looked.
> So... What bread do you use? Thanks!
I don't. I did bring up the "Hot Brown" a few years ago as an open faced
cheese sandwich that originated in Kentucky. Back around Prohibition.
Please don't pretend you just invented it. It's like Welsh Rarebit with
some cayenne pepper and other spices and different types of cheese on
nicely toasted bread. No need for sauces, broth, no idea what you're
talking about with all this extra prep stuff.