On 9/19/2020 9:02 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Sep 2020 20:53:09 -0400, jmcquown >
> wrote:
>>> On Fri, 18 Sep 2020 10:03:02 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>>>> Julie,
>>>> Yoose could use your grill but you always find an excuse
>>>> not to. All year long... too hot, too windy, too wet...
>>> You are addressing Julie but it is Jill that wrote that comment.
>>> Anyway, Jill's comments about grilling, cooking, etc. are a lot more
>>> enjoyable than the constant backbiting, profane and scatological,
>>> comments that occur here without reason.
>>> Janet US
>> Thank you, JanetB.
Gary seems determined to try to turn my posts
>> into complaints, brings up Julie and accusing me of something.
>> I've baked the bratwurst in the oven on foil.
>> Jill
> I was going to suggest the oven.
> Janet US

I'd already planned that. I did mention when I first posted
there are always other cooking options. I don't know why some folks
want to question my methods of cooking. If I don't want to cook outside
in windy or rainy conditions I don't have to. It's better that I don't.
Silly suggestions that I should do some grilling in bad weather and keep
bringing up Julie. That would be GARY.