Thread: Olive Oil
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Bryan Simmons Bryan Simmons is offline
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Default Olive Oil

On Monday, September 21, 2020 at 8:45:09 AM UTC-5, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Sep 2020 16:57:22 -0700 (PDT), Bryan Simmons wrote:
> > John, how about we do this? We treat each other civilly at all
> > times (way more that would be expected of any two individuals on
> > rfc) in our few interactions, and only make constructive comments
> > to one another's posts, confining those comments mostly to topics
> > related to cooking. Our feuding has become a special case here.
> > Can we, for the good of the NG, do this?

> Don't take it personally. John calls us all assholes for not
> supporting his petty and often erroneous agenda several times a
> week.

It's not about me taking anything personally. Folks complain incessantly about
us feuding publicly. It bothers them more than all of the other conflicts and insults,
including the ones that use the little nicknames. I really am interested in the food
aspect. There was one well timed thread about olive oil, and someone posted about
their favorite, and I looked into and bought that oil.

As I typed this, it got delivered. I tasted it, and it's delicious, but rather mildly flavored.
I've had 3 beers, and dinner was fried fish drenched in lemon juice, so I have anything
but a clean palate. One thing is for sure. It's not "mild" tasting because it's a strong
tasting olive oil cut with tasteless sunflower oil. The stuff has block chain
provenance. It came in a bottle that is so dark brown that it's almost black, and that's
smart. I'm not disappointed.

There are only a few things that I even use olive oil for, and for salad dressings I will,
myself, dilute it with tasteless sunflower oil, but this seems perfect for pizza crust.

> -sw
