Joanne . net10/3/04
> can you suggest on-line web source of lightly fermented oolongs-
> thanx
> joanne
Tea Centre in Canada has lightly roasted Taiwan Oolongs that you might
enjoy, including Bao Zhongs, Li Shan, and Dong Ding.
Silk Road Teas, which is of course *not* on line has a range of quite
lightly roasted and oxidized green Oolongs in a wide variety of styles.
You will need to telephone at (415) 488-9017.
A new Taiwan Dong Ding will be coming on line soon from IPOT. I am drinking
it now. It's somewhat more roasted than I expected, although pretty green.
Very interesting. I think it might not be just what you're looking for.
David's Oolongs are truly green types. I've tried several and can recommend
them to you given your preference.