Questions about converting cake recipe for sheet cake, etc.
Thank you so much for the tip the Hershey's cake - the entire cake
was a big hit! People were asking me (jokingly, I hope - cake making
is incredibly time-consuming!) to make all of their kids' birthday
cakes from now on. I did use the 11x15 pan and watched it carefully,
made 2 layers, used a whipped cream/oreo cookie filling and the
buttercream. Oh my. It was sublime. Didn't miss the butter in the
cake at all, lol. I think that will be the cake to beat all cakes.
The recipe that I have for the butter cake (also the oreo filling and
buttercream recipes) is from the cake book, The Whimsical Bakehouse by
Kaye and Liv Hansen. Delicious and fun!
Thanks again,
"Nexis" > wrote in message news:<qO74c.4765$Nj.1201@fed1read01>...
> I would stick with the recipe, and make a buttercream to frost it. Buttery
> flavor, but still a dense, moist, richly chocolate cake.
> Care to post your recipe?
> kimberly