While it's not the norm here anymore to post about cooking
I've always been kind of a rebel. You know, a bad boy. I just took dinner out of the oven. Whatever it is, it's kind of enchiladalike. Maybe it's an enchiraco. If it ends up being enjoyable, I'll post my goofy "recipe."
OK, it's 15, 20 or so minutes later, and my wife gave it a thumbs up, and had seconds.
I needed corn tortillas, and what I had were tostadas. I order to make them soft, I needed to moisten them, and what I used was pureed cherry tomato. My mistake was that I softened them too much because I started the process too early.
There was a little of the tomato puree left in the blender, and I added water, powdered guajillo chile, paprika, garlic powder and salt. The meat was cut off a t-bone steak and pounded. I pan cooked it on very high, and added cut up onion near the end of cooking.
I put the meat on the tostada shells, folded them over, applied the sauce, then put on a bunch of shredded mild Cheddar. Then, I took the little bit of remaining sauce and cut it down with water, so I could put it on top of the cheese. I baked the whole thing at 350 for maybe 12-15 minutes, then turned off the oven and walked away for about 10 more.
I took pix on my new phone, which I don't really know how to do stuff on, but there will be links to pix.
Until then, we can get back to discussing the prick who has been hospitalized with a case of the hoax.