While it's not the norm here anymore to post about cooking
Bryan Simmons wrote:
> On Saturday, October 3, 2020 at 7:10:09 PM UTC-5, Hank Rogers wrote:
>> John Kuthe wrote:
>>> On Saturday, October 3, 2020 at 2:34:56 PM UTC-5, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> ...
>>>> I can't be bothered to read the book. How are billions of dollars being stolen from us?
>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>> Those infernal SPY DEVICES track your body positions even when turned OFF via GPS! They know where you go and what you buy. Big rich corporations track and bet on your every move!
>>> John Kuthe...
>> You're right! Last night I farted and a pic of my ass showed up on
>> RFC. It was an animated jpeg and druce's face was adjacent,
>> sniffing away. Below, Popeye was clawing at my crotch.
> I call bullshit. rfc is not a binary group.
>> It was a nightmare. I finally pulled out the plug.
> OK, it was a dream, but if Bruce and Sheldon are disturbing your sleep, perhaps you
> need to take a break from making the two of them the primary focus of your posts
> to rfc. Perhaps be inspired by Mr. Kuthe and myself refraining from any personal
> attacks on each other for many days. Your Druce/sniffing and Popeye posts are
> boring to everyone here. They are, and you know that. You can still use your little
> nicknames for them when you have a *relevant* reply. I think that's reasonable,
> don't you?
> --Bryan
Yep, as long as kuth suffers a LONG SLOW DEATH !!!!!