Gary wrote:
> cshenk wrote:
> >
> > I'm also at 105lbs. Aiming for 110lbs. I lost a little ground last
> > week. As frustrating as it can be for those trying to lose weight,
> > it's just as bad from the other side of it.
> My body would equal 2 of yours. Cut me in half and make
> 2 Carols plus enough leftover for dessert. 
> At 6'2", my ideal weight is right around 200lbs.
> I am not at my ideal weight though. I've gone over.
> Change of jobs and resulting loss of daily activity is
> taking it's toll.
> It would seem to me though that having a few extra sandwiches
> when you're not hungry, might be a bit easier than having
> a few less sandwiches when you are hungry.
> That said, I've known 2 anorexic women (both dead now) that
> just couldn't stand to eat more. No matter what I said,
> they refused to agree. One did try and added a can of
> Slim Fast to her diet each day. ;o Not enough but better
> than nothing.
Sorry but the automatic assumption of anorexia is understood but
innaccurate. I am consuming an average of 3,000 calories a day. I try
to make them healthy ones for at least 2,000 of them.
Today for example ws 1,200 calories in potato chips. Not healthy I
know but I had 2,000 calories of healthy fruits, meats and veggies,
breads, and dairy.
I might add, at 5ft 1in, 105 is not at all horribly underweight. In
fact, it's pretty much where Doctors want us to be. I just like better
curves at 110lbs.
It just takes me eating a lot more than you do, to maintain it is all.
PS: 106lbs just now but weighing every day doesnt really work. To be
slightly deicate about it, norma bowl rhythems have a sway there.