On Tuesday, October 6, 2020 at 11:13:56 AM UTC-10, RichD wrote:
> I read something a few month back, can't recall the source,
> warning about tainted mussels.
> Said first, toss out any which open before cooking Â*
> (steaming). Â* Then, discard any which fail to open as
> they ought, ~ 5 minutes.
> I don't get this. Isn't steam antiseptic? Are there microscopic
> critters that would survive?
> --
> Rich
That's a good question. All the mussels sold here are dead and frozen so we're living on borrowed time. They're also sold only on the half shell. Mussels are like the tilapia of the bivalves. They're cheap and tasteless. OTOH, Mussels with dynamite sauce are tasty. I'd eat a couple of them.