On Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 5:29:37 PM UTC-4, Jeßus wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Oct 2020 07:58:05 -0700 (PDT), John Kuthe
> > wrote:
> In this EMPTY house, you mean.
> >https://i.postimg.cc/YCTNfLs3/In-Thi...gal-Scienc.jpg
> >
> >:-)
> >
> >
> >John Kuthe, ClimAte Anarchist, Suburban Renewalist and Vegetarian
> ROTFL, you're so pathetic.
I have 3x5 blue on the pole. Sil is k9 cop. I bought blm flag when this shit started and hung them together to show solidarity basically for fear of a brick thru my 6x9 front window. Since then, blm was canned. Blue waves in the breeze alone. Oh btw, **** you fags too.