On 10/8/2020 8:12 PM, GM wrote:
> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>>> : (Stan Horwitz) writes:
>>>>> : > Being as though most people think that I am a bit strange for eating
>>>>> : > chocolate pudding with Ketchup, I am no one to talk about strange eating
>>>>> : > habits.
>>>>> : Stan, darling, is there *anything* you don't eat with ketchup?
>>>>> There are lots of things I don't eat Ketchup with. I have yet to eat Ketchup
>>>>> with any kind of Chinese food dish although there was one or two times when
>>>>> I was surely tempted to change that trend (lousy food)...
>>>> I like ketchupy french fries with chinese food. French fries also go good with those steamed soy burgers they served back in elementary school.
>>> Jeez, I remember Stan Horwitz from rec.travel.air 20+ years ago, lol...
>> OMG, Stan was a regular here back then. Ketchup was his thing. I have
>> no idea what style doorknobs he had though.
> AH, I remember his penchant for ketchup now...!!!
This was 2003