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Roy Basan
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Davida Chazan - The Chocolate Lady > wrote in message >. ..
> (Please NOTE: My correct e-mail address is in my Signature) On 4 Oct
> 2004 02:01:15 -0700, during the Community News Flash
> (Roy Basan) reported:
> (Brian Raab) wrote in message . com>...
> >> They will bake cakes with explosives and use them to blow you up !
> >>
> >> Alert !

> >
> >Hmmnn.....
> >It is not a farfetched idea. Any extremely evil and but very creative
> >person can possibly do that .

> You have GOT to be kidding! The idiot said "bake cakes with
> explosives". Bake any explosive in an oven and I'm sure it will blow
> up before you can stick your toothpick in to check it.

I was disgusted.... I am aware that all Israelis are to undergo
military training and possibly attain some considerable knowledge
about explosives.
Don't tell me that you are naive about these things....
What is your problem?.....are you worried that in a certain Jewish
festivities some of the baked goods( ordered from outside )for such
occassion can be laced with explosives and wired to be detonated
Now if you say that is impossible to bake and explosive into the
dough?I doubt about that.What is the internal baking temperatures in
the normal bread dough ( or cake batter), just barely reaching 100 deg
C. The melting point of PETN and RDX are 140 and 205 deg C
respectively.And if ever they are forgotten in the oven and overheated
they will not explode directly but to gradually smoke and burn with a
smoky flame in such conditions.

Therefore if a bread , say a decorative one that is commonly made with
flour, water and salt and have part of the flour replaced with finely
divided PETN. It will come out as a dough alright which can be molded
into decorative items which can be also wired.
There is a truth in the latter as it was proven in one of the
classified US military manuals that you can make an explosive bake
stable dough that can be used as bomb.And there are many ezamples
there of explosive cookies and pancakes in that compilation.
Why its not entirely poaaible that the , homintashen cookies and even
bagels( not necessarily baked) can be simulated from plastic bonded
On the other hand in my previous post......
I was not thinking of baking the cake with explosives but having its
finishing and decoration foundation based on such materials as
commonly used marzipan and rolled fondant be simulated with home made
plastic explosives. It is possible, to give a you hint the binder can
be obtained from chewing gum can be used to make a moldable ezplosives
and any plasticizers can obtained from various other sources used for
interior decorating and carpentry work.
Another example:
Or the sponge cake when already cut into slices and to be washed with
syrup before assembling into torte. But can have the syrup replaced
with a nitrated sorbitol which is an explosive as well and its not as
distinctive as the headache producing nitroglycerine and nitroglycol.
Another way is to dissolve the PETN in acetone and use that to soak
into the sponges/genoise and let the acetone dry leaving finely
divided high explosive in the cake which can be easily initiated to
detonation effectively.
So a terrorist baker can use that to soak the sponges before its
assembled and wired appropriately as well.
Or the cake fillings can be made of the same plastic explosives but
the consistency adjusted to be spreadable with a palette knife
suitable odorless solvents such as glycerol,sorbitol etc.
The cake icing can also be made with an explosive frosting adjusted to
consistency for piping and spreading.
In the end the detonator antenna can be disguised as a silver dragee
decoration or even the wire assembled flowers in the wedding cakes.
There are many possible ways that a high explosive can be placed in a
baked product, so be careful.
When you go to the bakery shop you better carry a trained bomb
sniffing dog before you buy your baked goods<g> .
BTW, a comforting thought( for you) is that the Palestinian terrorists
have not reached that level of explosive sophistication.But the
Israeli Mossad could have possibly thought of the same
possibilities....They have entirely creative and novel ways of
eliminating Hamas personalities.