On 10/13/2020 11:24 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
> A friend sent me a link to a video about Mike the chicken. The story is
> that a farmer slaughtered 40 chickens, chopping their heads off with an
> axe. One of them recovered from the beheading. It seems that the botched
> hatchet job had missed the jugular vein and left enough of the bird's
> brain stem and a clot stopped the blood loss. They fed him with an eye
> dropper. The farmer took the chicken on the road and making appearances
> at circus freak shows.
> The video looks kind of hokey and fake, but I checked it out online and
> it's true. Mike met his final fate in a motel room when the owner left
> his feed out. The bird choked on a kernel of corn. The entire story is
> amazing, even the fact that a chicken got choked in a cheap motel.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbSjgHj2dF8
> My father grew up on a farm and told us once that he had chopped a head
> off a chicken to be cooked for supper. The headless chicken ran, jumped
> up and sat it a roost for a while. She only lasted a few minutes without
> her head.
I know people that have gone for years without using their heads.