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Gary Gary is offline
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Default No Pepsi... Coke was I'm trying Walmart grocery delivery.

Bruce wrote:
> We're on tap water, meaning we have water coming out of our taps. But
> we're not on town/municipal water. We collect rain water in big tanks.

Sadly, you've said that you never treat it.
A bit of chlorine occasionally would kill all the little ones
in your water and the chlorine *will* dissipate within several
hours if your tank is open.

I know fresh rain water is good and pure but not after it
sits in a tank for a long time.

Does it taste or smell a bit "swampy?"
I remember you said you two quit drinking it.

Anyway, a question. Since you rely on rain water, is it a
reliable source? Do you ever get a dry time and no water
in your tanks?