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Ed Pawlowski[_5_] Ed Pawlowski[_5_] is offline
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Default No Pepsi... Coke was I'm trying Walmart grocery delivery.

On 10/29/2020 12:39 AM, Julie Bove wrote:

> Really? I know people who have wells. They can flush their toilet and
> water comes out of their tap. Sooo... I guess that means they too are on
> a municipal water supply? Sheesh. Way to (pardon the pun) muddy the
> water further. I pay the water bill.
> Guess I'll have to look up the word "municipal". I know we have a
> municipal court here. Not sure what the word means though. And... In
> looking it up, I still don't see how that relates to my water because
> Alderwood Water serves quite a few cities.
> FromÂ* "
> of or relating to a town or city or its local government"

The local government is the entity that negotiated with Alderwood Water
to supply water to the town, thus, "municipal water" Some town operate
the water supply plant, others contract the service. Town still has some