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Ed Pawlowski[_5_] Ed Pawlowski[_5_] is offline
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Default No Pepsi... Coke was I'm trying Walmart grocery delivery.

On 10/29/2020 8:35 AM, Gary wrote:
> Bruce wrote:
>> We're on tap water, meaning we have water coming out of our taps. But
>> we're not on town/municipal water. We collect rain water in big tanks.

> Sadly, you've said that you never treat it.
> A bit of chlorine occasionally would kill all the little ones
> in your water and the chlorine *will* dissipate within several
> hours if your tank is open.
> I know fresh rain water is good and pure but not after it
> sits in a tank for a long time.
> Does it taste or smell a bit "swampy?"
> I remember you said you two quit drinking it.
> Anyway, a question. Since you rely on rain water, is it a
> reliable source? Do you ever get a dry time and no water
> in your tanks?

Rain water is not always clean. It can pick up contaminants, like the
acid rain. If it passes through trees or runs off the roof, it washes
off the bird poop on the way. I'd want to treat it to drink it.