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Sqwertz[_53_] Sqwertz[_53_] is offline
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On Thu, 29 Oct 2020 22:11:13 -0600, U.S. Janet B. wrote:

> On Thu, 29 Oct 2020 20:47:21 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>>I did try to make a few replies but could not. I didn't want people to think
>>I was ignoring them.
>>I took Social Studies which covered dating, psychology, religion, tons of
>>stuff about Native Americans and their plight, alcohol and druge abuse,
>>family structure, gender differences, ect.
>>In 9th grade, I remember that we acted out how a bill was passed in the
>>senate and we dscussed Republicans and Democrats. My 11th grade teacher was
>>a Socialist. She had us listen to a speaker from the Socialist Worker's
>>Party and also someone from the Bob Burke (I think that was the name) group
>>which I gather was far right wing. Don't know if they're even still around.
>>Many of my teachers were high and just sort of floated through class,
>>excusing us to go do whatever. I really didn't learn much.

> 9th grade class with the teacher that was high was your Civics class.
> General curriculum puts Civics in 9th grade.
> Janet US

I don't think it even falls under civics. That's more sociology
which is 11th and 12th grade. "Social studies" didn't include
topics like dating, gender, psychology, religion (except religious
wars), alcohol/drug abuse... I don't know what planet she lived on
at that time, probably not Bothell.

We studied that stuff in a subject/class called "Health" in the late
70's/early 80's.
