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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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On 2020-10-30 5:22 a.m., Julie Bove wrote:
> beyond the 9th grade. It wasn't required in High School.
>> We studied that stuff in a subject/class called "Health" in the late
>> 70's/early 80's.

> I took that in combination with Sex Ed. Again, more warnings about
> drugs. We learned first aid as well.
> Angela's health class involved a diet section. She had to list her meals
> and snacks for two weeks. She also had to go through the kitchen and
> look for offensive items like things with HFCS. The teacher did not
> believe her report. The only offensive foods she found were molasses,
> corn syrup and various forms of sugar. Her breakfast at the time was
> usually raw baby carrots or an apple. She waited until she got home to
> eat lunch because her assigned lunch time was 2:00 pm.
> When I went to the parent's night, the teacher lit into me. She couldn't
> believe that I didn't have things like cake mix in the house. *shrug*

A teacher lit into you because you didn't have things like cake mix???