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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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On 2020-10-30 9:52 a.m., Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Friday, October 30, 2020 at 9:48:54 AM UTC-4, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2020-10-30 5:22 a.m., Julie Bove wrote:
>>> beyond the 9th grade. It wasn't required in High School.
>>>> We studied that stuff in a subject/class called "Health" in the late
>>>> 70's/early 80's.
>>> I took that in combination with Sex Ed. Again, more warnings about
>>> drugs. We learned first aid as well.
>>> Angela's health class involved a diet section. She had to list her meals
>>> and snacks for two weeks. She also had to go through the kitchen and
>>> look for offensive items like things with HFCS. The teacher did not
>>> believe her report. The only offensive foods she found were molasses,
>>> corn syrup and various forms of sugar. Her breakfast at the time was
>>> usually raw baby carrots or an apple. She waited until she got home to
>>> eat lunch because her assigned lunch time was 2:00 pm.
>>> When I went to the parent's night, the teacher lit into me. She couldn't
>>> believe that I didn't have things like cake mix in the house. *shrug*

>> A teacher lit into you because you didn't have things like cake mix???

> Although Julie writes poorly, my takeaway was that the teacher thought
> Julie was lying when she stated she did not have cake mix in her house.

In that case, I will have to assume she had experienced dealing with
Julie and knew that she is factually challenged.

FWIW. I do not have a cake mix in the house. There has not been one here
for more than 10 years, and not many before that. We really do not eat
much in the line of process or prepared foods. We used to have the odd
jar of pasta sauce or can of soup or baked beans. Even those were rarely