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Bruce[_33_] Bruce[_33_] is offline
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Default Food while living in Europe

On Fri, 30 Oct 2020 16:37:11 -0500, Gary > wrote:

>Basically, after age 40 everyone's metabolism slows down. In
>order to maintain a certain weight, you need to start eating a
>bit less but also start exercising a bit more.
>The older you get, the more that matters. And the older you
>get, to try to actually lose weight gets that much harder.
>I feel that at some point, just say screw this weight thing.
>Just accept your extra pounds as a badge of older age.
>Then just try to maintain and definitely eat healthy every
>chance you get.

But there's a big difference between a bit of middle age spread and
morbid obesity. If I don't exercise, which I only do a bit, I gain
weight but to become morbidly obese I'd also have to eat a whole lot.
I'm not saying that everybody's the same.

>IMO, even fine to eat a not so healthy meal once in awhile.
>Just not often. I pretty much eat what I want to but it's
>often a healthy meal. Whenever I do die, at least it will
>have been a good trip.

I once read a food scientist who said: our bodies are quite capable of
dealing with unhealthy food, as long as they also regularly get
healthy food.