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dsi1 wrote:
> I didn't care much for the kids with their gun crazy child's
> play - that can't be good.

I so disagree there. Young boys do seem to have a more
aggressive side than young girls. When I was a young lad,
we all loved playing "Army" for several years. It was fun
to do. And good exercise too.

For Christmas presents we got realistic toy guns, hand grenades,
uniforms, etc. Best presents were authentic surplus store
things left over from WW2 and Korean War, like real helmets,
canteens, utility belts. (I still have mine).

The old WW2 movies and shows like Combat were fun to

IMO, it let us get out the aggressivness while we were young
and doing it in a safe manner. Child war games.

Then the hippy generation grew up and became parents and
discouraged their kids from doing all that. Tried to
turn them into peace-loving citizens from the beginning.
Wouldn't allow them to play "Army."

Big fail, imo. Not long after, all those young boys got
a little older and started buying real guns and shooting
each other for real.