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U.S. Janet B. U.S. Janet B. is offline
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On Sat, 31 Oct 2020 08:43:48 -0500, Gary > wrote:

>Julie Bove wrote:
>> One of my friends just posted to
>> FB that there is another TP shortage where she lives. She doesn't live in
>> this state.

>It's the damn news media. They are creating another shortage
>by saying another shortage is on the way. People hear this and
>think, "eh oh, I better stock up." And here we go again.
>I went to the grocery Thursday and the toilet paper section is
>almost empty again. <sigh>

there are people out there who can think ahead. They know if they are
required to stay at home for lengthy periods and have curbs put on
their shopping opportunities, there is a possibility of running out.
So, they stock up. What happens to the stores when a hurricane is
predicted? Everyone buys toilet paper.
Janet US