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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Gary" wrote:
>> > True. Whenever I went to my daughter's school "parents night"
>> > the subject of food at home never came up.

>> It did at ours because this idiot teacher started things off by
>> chastising
>> the parents by telling us we were not feeding our kids enough. They were
>> growing and probably needed to eat twice what we fed them. Things didn't
>> get
>> any better from there!

> Most teachers are good ones but there are some bad ones too and
> should be weeded out. I ran across a few when I was in school and
> one or two when my daughter was in school.
> Sounds like that teacher of Angela's was a bad one. She had an
> agenda...wanting to prove that most kids ate crap food at home
> and you were the exception to her belief. So she didn't believe
> Angela's list and she "lit into you" too.
> And if Angela was a bit overweight at that time, why would she
> say kids should eat twice as much? Dumb teacher that should have
> been fired. They should teach facts, not personal opinions.

I did point that out to her. A Dr. put her on the South Beach diet. The
teacher just glared at me and said that diet was not for growing kids. Thing
is... She had stopped growing by that age. So.. Dunno.

She had another gym teacher that we both hated! I started out badly with her
because I didn't realize that they put her in a portable, far from the gym
on parent's night.. I don't walk fast, especially in the dark. So I was
late. She also assigned homework to the parents, to be turned in, in 3 days.
I got a C, most likely because I was late and missed part of the

I could write a novel on this woman but the worst thing was, she told Angela
if she didn't run, she would fail her. Angela had a broken back at the time
and a Drs. note excusing her from gym.

I had a meeting at the school with some other people, and Mrs. L. (the gym
teacher) showed up at the meeting to rip me a new one. As soon as she opened
her mouth, she realized that she was messing with the wrong person. I banged
my fist down on the table and ripped into her! Thankfully there were school
officials at the table who took my side. The teacher upped the grade to a D.
Thing is... She did nothing in terms of Angela learning anything. She just
had to sit there and watch the others. Why couldn't she have given her a
written assignment? The history of basketball, for instance. But no.

Once we were at Costco. Angela said, "OMG! Mom! It's Mrs. L.!" We both took
off in another direction so we wouldn't encounter her. We disliked her that

The really sad thing was, there was a male gym teacher that Angela had in a
past year who was nice. He worked at that Costco during the summer. He
always said, "Hi" to us when he saw us.