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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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On 2020-10-31 7:37 p.m., Julie Bove wrote:
> "Gary" > wrote in message

>> I wasn't laughing at you for not having cake mix.
>> It's so very rare that I buy it.
>> I was laughing about the stupid teacher getting on your case
>> for not having it (or other unhealthy products in your pantry)

> Yeah. It seemed to me like she wanted to prove what lousy diets we had,
> but she was ****ed at us because we failed her.

You should take a lesson from Tucker Carlson. He lied about having some
damning documents. When he wad to put up or shut up he claimed they had
been lost. When the shipper found the documents he said he was not
going to release them. He realized that he was just digging his hole
deeper, so he opted to drop it and hope that people will forget about
the lie he got caught in. The smarter people in the crowd will
remember that he had been caught in a lie and that he no longer has any