On Saturday, October 31, 2020 at 6:52:17 PM UTC-5, Hank Rogers wrote:
> songbird wrote:
> > making an old fashioned rice pudding
> > (with raisins, eggs, sugar, milk, etc.) ?
> >
> > i don't want instant rice, but some other
> > type, preferably not terribly expensive. i
> > have access to a number of places that sell
> > various rices so a list of preferences is
> > fine too.
> >
> > as a kid Mom made some rice pudding and i've
> > not been eating much rice the past several
> > years but once in a while i have a fond
> > memory of this dish so i was saying to Mom that
> > the next time she feels like making something
> > we could try this. it was either this or
> > cream puffs (or perhaps both)...
> >
> > personally, i think i just really like nutmeg
> > and this was the dish that made me really like
> > it the most. otherwise i've always been a fan
> > of sweets, custards and such.
> >
> > thanks!
> >
> >
> > songbird
> >
> How about Calrose rice? It's available everywhere, not an expensive
> yuppie item reserved for snobs. I bet it would work.
> I haven't had rice pudding in a coons age, but it's good stuff.
Calrose is fine for rice pudding, as long as you rinse it. Otherwise it will
get gummy. I bought a 10# bag of it last Spring, during the panic buying,
but then realized that I'd rather donate it than actually eat it. It's also good
for rice soup, but 10 pounds is a lot of rice, and my family really prefers