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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default what kind of rice would you use for

On 2020-10-31 7:12 p.m., songbird wrote:
> making an old fashioned rice pudding
> (with raisins, eggs, sugar, milk, etc.) ?
> i don't want instant rice, but some other
> type, preferably not terribly expensive. i
> have access to a number of places that sell
> various rices so a list of preferences is
> fine too.
> as a kid Mom made some rice pudding and i've
> not been eating much rice the past several
> years but once in a while i have a fond
> memory of this dish so i was saying to Mom that
> the next time she feels like making something
> we could try this. it was either this or
> cream puffs (or perhaps both)...
> personally, i think i just really like nutmeg
> and this was the dish that made me really like
> it the most. otherwise i've always been a fan
> of sweets, custards and such.

I make a delicious rice pudding with a recipe I got from a Greek
cookbook. It calls for arborio or other short grain rice. It is a work
of love because it takes over an hour and almost constant stirring.

You start off by boiling the rice for about 5 minutes in a small amount
of water until the water is absorbed. Add scaled milk and sugar let it
simmer very gently, stirring freqently for about a half hour until the
rice softens. Temper beaten eggs and stir into the rice and milk
mixture. Cook over medium heat stirring constantly until it starts to
thicken, about 20 minutes. ( I add some raisins when the eggs go in).
stir in some vanilla. Our into serving bowls and dust with cinnamon.
Serve warm or cold.

It takes a lot of time and attention, but it is worth it.