Thread: Disgusting!
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songbird songbird is offline
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Default Disgusting!

Leo wrote:
> songbird wrote:

>> learning to cook, even simple things is an
>> important skill, adding to that some gardening where
>> you grow some of your own food can at least get a
>> person more in touch with the natural world and a
>> start to appreciating the planet which gives them
>> life instead of living in a sterile box and eating
>> little cubes of processed foods.
>> but as they say, to each their own. *shrug*

> Unless youre a vegetarian, dont forget to learn to kill, dress and cook
> fish and game. Thats also the natural world. I had Chicken McNuggets last
> night.

i have done all those things, but not in recent years.
in general i don't eat meat at every meal or every day
but a few times a week. if times get hard i know how to
survive and will eat anything and everything i need to
for getting along, but i'm glad for the moment that we're
able to do what we're doing.

a large part of the food we eat comes from our gardens.
all food scraps and paper scraps get recycled in the worm
farm and then what comes from the worm farm ends up being
used as our fertilizer in the gardens. it is a nice system
of doing things which gradually is improving our gardens
instead of depleting them (it could be doing even better
but Mom is picky about how things look so i can't do cover
crops through the winter as i'd like).

i have been a vegetarian in the past, but not a strict
one and i may go back to that in the future to where i am
eating meat only a few times a month. we'll see... i sure
understand the point of being vegan too, but to me that is
a pretty slippery slope as to how you define animal and
at what point you cut off the exploitation of animals for
our own existence. to me we live within a natural system
and if done properly it doesn't have to be destructive as
it currently is, but that also means controlling the
population and leaving some areas wild. no, i haven't
had any children and have no plans to have any. when i'm
gone i also hope to put some of what is left into wild
land protections and efforts to encourage diversity and
perhaps even space colonies as it would be a good idea to
get all of our eggs out of one basket...
