Thread: Disgusting!
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Bryan Simmons Bryan Simmons is offline
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Default Disgusting!

On Monday, November 2, 2020 at 5:51:25 PM UTC-6, songbird wrote:
> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> ...
> > If it's tasteless sawdust, then you've overcooked it.
> > Any lean meat like chicken breast, pork tenderloin,
> > or most fish will not thank you for immolating it.

> most likely, especially considering i hardly ever
> eat it and instead often prefer legs and thighs over
> the rest. that works out ok for us because Mom likes
> the white meat.
> i'm not a big chicken eater anyways. many years ago
> i was having frequent digestion problems from certain
> foods and mass market commercial chicken was the major
> one of them. once i stopped eating a lot of it that
> cleared up about 95% of the issues i was having (it
> could even be a higher percentage but i've stopped
> counting).
> as an example, the other day Mom brought home a
> rotessierie chicken from the store. it wasn't cooked
> enough, so i ended up taking the dark meat and
> cooking it completely to make sure all the microbes
> were actually dead. i then could eat it and it didn't
> make me sick, but i'm glad i didn't throw it away or
> eat it when it wasn't cooked enough. that was a bit
> too pink for me.

Almost all of the dangerous microbes are on the surfaces of
the chicken--internal and external surfaces. That's not to say
that pink chicken meat is perfectly safe, nor that it isn't icky.
Raw egg white is even more safe, but also icky.

They did make the dressing, and Winter teased Ian about how
persnickety he was about getting every bit of the egg white off
of the yolks. She'd never had homemade Caesar dressing before,
and she had asked for it partly because it seemed bratty, and
because Caesar dressing was never quite fishy enough.
Breakfast was nice. There was more orange juice, coffee, and Ian
asked her how she liked her eggs, and how many. "Three and over
easy, wait, over medium. I know you freak on jizzy egg whites."
Ian laughed and said, "The things that come out of your mouth."
"You love my mouth."
Ian agreed, "I love your mouth."

Another cooking related excerpt from *Winter's Present*.
> songbird
