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dsi1[_2_] dsi1[_2_] is offline
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Default what kind of rice would you use for

On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 5:16:59 AM UTC-10, songbird wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
> ...
> > That sounds pretty complex. We just winged it because we had a small family unit. These days, we don't cook rice every day. We don't even have an automatic rice cooker. An induction range makes cooking scorch-free rice a breeze. Cooking rice on a non-induction stove is kind of a drag.
> >
> >

> we have an older electric stove and my normal routine for
> making rice on this is: bring the water and rice to a
> boil, stir it once, leave the cover on and just simmer
> until done (depends upon the type of the rice but for
> white rice somewhere around 30 minutes i think) for brown
> rice it was more. i don't usually fluff the rice when
> done as i like it more when it sticks together.
> when i was eating more vegetarian style things i would
> combine lentils and brown rice since they cooked in the
> same amount of time. filling, hearty, a lot of flavor
> and fiber. then if i wanted spicy something else with
> it i could add that on top.
> i haven't had decent luck growing lentils here but i
> did find adzuki beans taste enough like lentils that i
> wanted to try growing them instead, but i didn't have
> very good luck growing adzuki beans either. this past
> summer i finally got some adzuki beans that are more
> adapted to our climate to finish up in time, but the
> animals really like to eat the plants so they need to
> be more protected than what our fence provides (at the
> moment). i had to build up my seed supply this year
> so i can't eat them, but next year i'll try to grow an
> entire row to see how they do.
> um, yeah, ok, sorry, i ramble on about beans given a
> chance.
> songbird

Azuki beans are mostly seen in sweets and deserts on the left side of the planet. Occasionally, one will see it cooked with mochi rice. I think it's a good luck dish. There's also a sweet azuki soup that's eaten for new years day for good luck. Near as I can tell, azuki beans are good luck.