Thread: Disgusting!
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Disgusting!

On 11/3/2020 4:45 PM, wrote:
> On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 3:03:17 PM UTC-6, Bruce wrote:
>> On Tue, 3 Nov 2020 20:43:48 -0000, "Ophelia" >
>> wrote:
>>> On Sun, 01 Nov 2020 23:09:44 -0800, Leo >
>>> wrote:
>>>> I had Chicken McNuggets
>>>> last
>>>> night.
>>> Please describe, Chicken McNuggets' ?

>> They're pieces of tortured factory chicken with urine stains hidden
>> with bleach (in the US). The pieces are coated and deepfried.
>> Sometimes they make strange sounds when you bite into them. Other
>> times you bite into them and your teeth bounce back.

> It's going to an absolutely thrilling day whenever Google can be accessed
> in Scotland. I just hope OhFeelMe is still around to be able to access it to
> answer her endless questions of what something is or how whatever is
> cooked.
> Whenever Scotland comes out of the Dark Ages I think we should all join
> in a hearty shout of HALLELUJAH!!!

No doubt! She takes dsi1's and Bruce's opinions as Gospel. I am pretty
darn sure Google and many other search engines are available in
Scotland. She manages to access Usenet. "Please describe Chicken
McNuggets" is akin to the many times she asked for explanations about
"corned beef" around Saint Patrick's Day. Sheesh, lady, look it up
yourself and then if you have questions ask them. It's not new, it's
not difficult.

I haven't seen a new thread about food or cooking from Ophelia in ages.
I wonder what she's been cooking for "Himeself"?
