Thread: Cooking a swan
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D. A.'Dutch' Martinich
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"Gualtier Malde (Chuck)" > wrote in message news:<oJA8d.205692$3l3.96936@attbi_s03>...
> I have to cook a swan. This isn't a joke, and I need help. This is the
> bird, long neck, swims, etc. It was shot in Alaska and I have to have
> it on the table this Friday night as my part of a "Beast Feast".
> For the love of Escoffier, HELP ME!
> Chuck

I have never cooked a wild swan but I once attended a dinner where the
guest of honor was a mature whistling swan. It tasted just like wild
goose but it was incredibly tough. I think I would be inclined to to
give the full buried-in-the-ground-and-cooked-for-hours pit bbq
