Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 11/4/2020 10:34 PM, cshenk wrote:
>> Sheldon Martin wrote:
>>> The PINHEAD IMBECILE never thought to store rice and other food
>>> items
>>> in glass jars.* I sure hope you spray your crotch with Flit.
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FLIT
>> Sheldon, it is stored safely but I don't have 25 gallon glass jars
>> hanging about here.* I get it in amounts I can safely store as do
>> all
>> others in the south.* Open your mind a crack.* You might get
>> suprised
>> to learn something about the rest of the USA outside your tiny
>> corner
>> of Northern NY.
> A couple of these on your counter solves the problem
> https://www.amazon.com/6-gallon-glas...n+glass+carboy
I have a similar one I used to make wine years ago. But I don't
think they would be large enough for Popeye. Post if you find any
50-100 gallon carboys!