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Sheldon Martin[_4_] Sheldon Martin[_4_] is offline
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Default what kind of rice would you use for

On Wed, 4 Nov 2020 22:57:05 -0500, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>On 11/4/2020 10:34 PM, cshenk wrote:
>> Sheldon Martin wrote:

>>> The PINHEAD IMBECILE never thought to store rice and other food items
>>> in glass jars. I sure hope you spray your crotch with Flit.

>> Sheldon, it is stored safely but I don't have 25 gallon glass jars
>> hanging about here. I get it in amounts I can safely store as do all
>> others in the south. Open your mind a crack. You might get suprised
>> to learn something about the rest of the USA outside your tiny corner
>> of Northern NY.

>A couple of these on your counter solves the problem

Those would work however I think a 6 gllon capacity is a bit much on a
kitchen counter, also heavy to lift. I use one gallon wide mouth
screw cap glass jars that were free when I bought pickles... each
holds a bit more than five pounds of rice/small pasta/sugar/etc. Chewy
sells very nice air-tight cannisters for storing dry pet foods.

We keep those large storage containers on the floor of clothes
closets. We actually keep rice in old one quart glass mayo jars that
we were smart enough to save from before plastic jars, we have more
glass jars than we can use. The plastic quart jars will work too for
keeping vermin out of foods, also free. There are many large wide
mouth screw cap containers in food markets, simply open ones eyes... a
short time ago I bought a gallon glass jar of pickle relish at
Walmart, olives come in similar glass jars.

We also have a few of these for pet food and wild bird seed: s
Sold at a local hardware/feed store... a six gallon bucket will hold a
lot of rice in one gallon zip-locs... can be kept outdoors. We keep
one on our deck, lined with a plastic trash bag for bird seed. We
have two in our garage for dry cat food, we have an assortment of very
nice aluminum scoops, leave one in each bucket. The Tractor Supply
Stores are a very good source for food storage products.
CSHENK is very obviously extremely Low IQ, that she even has an IQ is
quite doubtful.