On Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 12:11:40 PM UTC-6, Hank Rogers wrote:
> Gary wrote:
> > dsi1 wrote:
> >>
> >> In America, the schools serve lunches to get the kids ready for the real world dining experience - just in case they're incarcerated for an extensive stay in prison. That's very kind and forward thinking of them.
> >
> > That's funny but I always liked the school lunches. Much better
> > that a PBJ sandwich in a paper bag.
> >
> Sounds like he must have done some prison time. Probably for fraud.
I liked the lunches about half the time. They were never great, but
sometimes they were pretty good They royally screwed up stuff that
kids *should* like, like burgers and pizza, but stuff like baked chicken
was actually baked that day. Sure, they used canned vegetables, but I
liked canned green beans and corn, and I still like canned green beans.
Starting in 6th grade, we could buy ala carte, and when they'd have chili
or chicken noodle soup, I'd buy 2 or 3 bowls.
The best thing, though, was the federally subsidized milk. In elementary
school, it was 2 cents a 1/2 pint carton (a little less that 1/4 liter). It
soon went up to 3 cents, then 5, and by high school (mid-1970s) it was
10. It was whole milk, and my mother bought 2%. There were plenty
of days where I bought 4 or 5 milks, and sometimes even more.