"Dave Bugg" <deebuggatcharterdotnet> wrote in message
> Gus wrote:
> > The ribs were gobbled up. Had they been undercooked ribs, they would
> > not have been eaten. Does that not make a LITTLE bit of sense?
> > MacDonalds... Oh, Dave.!!!
> No. The point is this: People gladly eat crap, pay a premium for crap, and
> think the crap is great. Mcdonald's is a case in point. The same could
> well be true of your uncorroborated group that supposedly loved your ribs.
> It's one thing to rely on self-stated stories, it's another to prove it.
> > Smile some. It generally helps.
> Wipe your butt, that also helps.
> --
> Dave
> Dave's Pit-Smoked Bar-B-Que
> http://davebbq.com/
Daves Pit-Smoked Bar-B-Que..
Now, Dave, there is no need for you or others to get downright nasty.
(I hope that your Pit-Smoked Bar-B-Que is a lot cleaner than your language!)
Best to all,
Gus Kilthau
Houston, Texas