Thread: Cooking a swan
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zxcvbob > wrote in

> Bob (this one) wrote:
>> axlq wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> Bob (this one) > wrote:
>>>> A linguistic thing he A duckling is a small duck. What, then, is
>>>> a dumpling?
>>> A small bowel movement? "I gotta go take a dumpling" actually makes
>>> sense in the right context.

>> <LOL> That'll be 3 bucks for the setup....
>> Pastorio

> I can't help thinking, "How would Iron Chef cook a swan?"
> The possibilities are endless, but the swan might only serve one or
> two people. Perhaps you could use the swan to prepare a rich stock
> (discard the meat and bones after the flavor is extracted), and reduce
> it to down to a few ounces and drizzle over something surreal.
> Sorry, I'm in a weird mood after watching the VP debates...
> Bob

You could drizzle it over the debaters. That's surreal!

It's me, Baker!

When the Chips are Down,
the Buffalo is Empty.