In article > ,
Dog3 <dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote:
> "Gualtier Malde (Chuck)" >
> news
> > I have to cook a swan. This isn't a joke, and I need help. This is the
> > bird, long neck, swims, etc. It was shot in Alaska and I have to have
> > it on the table this Friday night as my part of a "Beast Feast".
> >
> > For the love of Escoffier, HELP ME!
> >
> > Chuck
> >
> They are meaner than hell but I'd never eat one. They bite. BIG time. UGH.
> I guess if I cooked one it would be like a goose or a huge chicken. And
> then there were the peackocks. Equally evil.
> Michael
Peacock is delicious......
Irva, a friend of my mothers, used to raise them and if they got too old
to sell, she would not hesitate to eat them. Mom used to get free birds
for helping her do processing. I was pretty little, (about 8 I think)
but I still remember it! Irva died from complications from Adult onset
diabetes when I was about 14, and her husband took every single bird she
had out in the yard to the local shelter to be put to sleep.
All the cats and her two dogs too. <sigh>
Sprout the MungBean to reply
"I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell‹you
see, I have friends in both places." --Mark Twain