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Scarlet Pimpernel
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"Dave Bugg" <deebuggatcharterdotnet> wrote in message >...
> Gus wrote:
> > Daves Pit-Smoked Bar-B-Que..
> >
> > Now, Dave, there is no need for you or others to get downright nasty.

> Sure there is. Your a liar and a fraud. You puport to be some big hotshot,
> but its obvious that instead of a hotshot, you're nothing but a fool and a
> blow-hard.
> > (I hope that your Pit-Smoked Bar-B-Que is a lot cleaner than your
> > language!)

> And I would hope that you look smarter than you write.

.... and I hope you're a lot nicer in real life than you are around
here, or I fear for your future in the hospitality industry.

I've been hanging around here, and occasionally posting, for a couple
years now, and really enjoy the humour, banter and cameraderie. In
general, you're a nice bunch of folks, and I'd like to know you
better. What I really don't like is the small schoolyard bully
element, who insist on imposing their definitions, preferences and
posting style on everyone else. Maybe this is just Sociology, because
I see it on other newsgroups too. But I never could tolerate a bully.

Folks, this is *recreation*. We do this for fun. If you have so much
invested that you're going to fight every issue to the finish, you
need to take a long hard look at your priorities. (Are you listening,
Kevin?). Being agressive, vindictive, and insulting says more about
*you* than it does about your subject.

Gus, to you I say "welcome". Remember, "in every bunch of roses you
get a few pricks". Unsnag yourself from the thorns, and focus on the
