Peter Flynn wrote:
> Many moons ago I posted the URL of a video that one of our
> students had made of his mother making Irish soda bread
> the traditional way. The link got changed in a web reord,
> but I posted it again in its new form.
> Embarrassinlg ynow that I have retired, it's gone again ?
> and worse, I can't find any trace of either of my posts in
> the Google Groups Usenet archives, which is weird (or
> maybe my memory lacks the right keywords). If anyone still
> has either of those posts I'd be grateful for a copy.
> Either way, I still have the video, and the Dept of Irish
> still have the gold master, so it will eventually be put
> on YouTube. In the meantime I have arranged for it to be
> available for download at
> (35MB).
> Peter
I've found one of your posts in my archive from 2 Oct 2019.
Would you like me to email you the text file or to post
the meat (leaving out the headers) of the post here?
Nyssa, who has the oddest things saved in her various
Usenet text file archives spread across several machines
and decades