Thread: Cooking a swan
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Doug Freyburger
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zxcvbob wrote:
> I can't help thinking, "How would Iron Chef cook a swan?"

Peking duck takes over 24 hours and Iron Chef has a 1 hour time
limit. Pity. I'd love to see the skin of a swan inflated,
swabbed with some flavoring liquid, and then put in front of a
fan to dry. Too much to do at home, so I want to see it on
TV. Gotta be some show other than Iron Chef then. Sigh.

Swan being reserved for royalty, I would think it's delicious.
It should be somewhere it the range of domesticated goose that
needs to be carefully drained of the oil as the fat melts and
it done when the dripping stops, through wild goose that is so
fat-free that it needs to be larded.

Older birds are tough. Huh, I hadn't thought of that but if
it is true of all other birds it must be true of swans.
Partially freeze the meat, slice it very thin against the
grain, and sautee quickly.