Good Gravy advice from the past
On Wed, 18 Nov 2020 14:49:44 -0800 (PST), "
> wrote:
>On Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 3:15:44 PM UTC-6, wrote:
>> On Saturday, ? ? ? November 7, 1992, ? ? ? John David Auwen wrote:
>> > This is the best gravy advice I've read in my 4 years of reading
>> > this newsgroup.
>> Or you could just be lazy and use a cornstarch slurry.
>> --Bryan
>LOTS of text deleted as to not repeat it again even though you felt the need to
>quote all that to add one (1) line of text. Better yet, when you are bored resist
>the urge to reply to twenty-eight (28) year old posts.
Doesn't Google Groups hide quoted text from users, unless they click a
button called Show Quoted Text or something similar? Forgive them, for
they know not what they do.