Good Gravy advice from the past
> On Friday, November 20, 2020 at 8:32:56 AM UTC-6, Mike Duffy wrote:
> > On Fri, 20 Nov 2020 01:17:44 -0800, Bryan Simmons wrote:
> >
> > > This guy is an exception. He's garbage.
> > OK I suppose, it looks so just based on objective facts, and I have never
> > met the guy.
> >
> >
> > In any case, you do seem to have changed tone a bit regarding your many
> > 'provocative' observations. I cannot imagine that happening by accident.
> It wasn't to appease critics. Maybe I've just been feeling mellower lately.
> >
> > Also, as you promised, you have studiously avoided dredging up stuff from
> > the distant past regarding John.
> I "promised" that over and over and over, that I would not be the one who broke
> the ceasefire. Of course, since John used the magic phrase again, all Hell
> could break loose, but I'm now convinced that nothing I could say or do would
> affect John's future. He's already done that himself. If you Google "John Kuthe
> nurse," the first result is a thread from rfc where he admits to stopping using an
> illegal drug to pass a pre-employment screening. He'll never get another nursing
> job.
> He'll survive. He owns a house outright, and is close to the age that he could
> get early Social Security. His only problem with not getting to practice nursing
> is emotional. Remember how he especially wanted *pediatric* nursing jobs?
> As long as he had hopes of getting those gigs, there was always the chance
> that he might get to see, and even touch the forbidden fruit in the doings of
> his job. Now, that's clearly out of reach. He'll die without the one thing that
> he wanted most. I can only imagine the grief, the sort of despair that's often
> described as "that sinking feeling."
Yup..."that sinking feeling" that he will no longer be able to ogle and fondle jailbait pussy whilst on a nursing gig...