On Saturday, November 21, 2020 at 8:52:47 PM UTC-6, GM wrote:
> Doppelgänger wrote:
> > Bruce was thinking very hard :
> > ...
> > > I don't understand why you're so offended when John calls you a
> > > narcissist. You are a narcissist or you're not. Whether John calls you
> > > one doesn't change reality.
> > >
> > I used to be a narcissist but now look at me.
> I figger it was the "vulva" part of Bryan's post that "threw" me.
See why I'm not under any illusuions that my book is publishable?
"Used to be, people were uncomfortable with 'vagina,' but now they use vagina
when they really mean, 'vulva.' See? Vulva is a beautiful word, but it's too
beautiful. If I just had a tube for the semen to go in, and the baby to come out,
I wouldn't be what I am." Winter had parked, but no one was getting out.
"Saying vagina like that is insulting to women. It's like denying every other
aspect of my vulva, and I'm not OK with that. I'm not just some receptacle.. My
vulva is beautiful, and you both love it. I don't want either of you to ever say
pussy or even vagina unless you are specifying vagina." Winter looked back at
Ian, "I don't call your penis a cock. You're not a rooster. People use euphemisms
because they are ashamed, even if just a little. Even if just a little isn't alright."
"Winter's sex words rant" continues on, but I think folks are squirming enough.
It was praised by the late Betty Dodson, who gave me written permission to use
the following blurb:
"[Winter's sex words] rant was brilliant...If only more men (and women) thought
like this our sex lives would be greatly improved."
--Betty Dodson, renowned sex educator and author of Sex for One and Orgasms for Two.
If you don't know who she was:
She also wrote, "A labor of love in many senses. Yes, you can include my statement.
Just so you know, few of us ever earn any money from book publishing. Like I said,
its a labor of love!"