Thunderbird filters?
On Monday, November 23, 2020 at 6:43:00 PM UTC-6, Bruce wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 15:55:40 -0800 (PST), Bryan Simmons
> > wrote:
> >On Monday, November 23, 2020 at 5:44:12 PM UTC-6, cshenk wrote:
> >> Just looking about, setup Thunderbird but do not see where to block some
> >> users.
> >
> >Killfilters are so 25 years ago, back when bandwidth was a consideration. Now,
> >you can just choose to not open posts from any users you choose.
> But then you have nothing to brag about.
Or complian about. I'm not singling anyone out, but most of the posts here
fall into the complaining and insulting categories. Constructive criticism is the
exception, not the norm. I'm trying to temper my posts, and not initiate conflicts,
which isn't that hard, but I'm also trying to temper my responses unless directly
attacked. Do you think that anyone will think, *Hmmm? If even Bryan, who is
one of the meanest, most vicious persons I've ever encountered can do it, maybe
I can too?* Some of you can. Some of us can, but choose not to because they
prefer conflict. Some of us are incapable of doing so because they are
emotional weaklings, or are caught in repetetive loops, like autistic children who
rock back and forth, utttering the same words and phrases over and over, *ad
If everyone who read the above paragraph thought about themselves in that
context, and asked themselves the question, "Am I acting like a grownup?,"
things might get marginally better, but I'm not holding my breath.