I am late with the fruit cake
On 2020-11-24 1:26 p.m., Lucretia Borgia wrote:
> I love it but stopped making one for Xmas after David died cos I could
> have easily eaten a whole one myself with aforementioned weight gain.
One? My mother used to make at least a half dozen of various sizes.
My light fruit cake recipe makes four loaf pan sized cakes. Each of them
gets halved.
> Now I have a friend who makes wonderful fruit cake and she will
> deliver it on Friday, we'll have lunch and I will give her a pair of
> hand knit socks and a knitted catnip mouse for her cat.
I don't know anyone else who makes them. Our local baker makes a really
good dark fruit cake. I usually buy one, take it home and spike it with
brandy. Last year I bought one, loaf sized about 6 inches long for $11.
I could not resist asking him if he made any money on them at that
price. He said not really.
> I make mince pies at Xmas as my kids wouldn't feel it was Xmas without
> them.
>> I used to make the traditional, heavy xmas cake, as many as six at a time
>> for gifts, injecting them with brandy using a hypodermic. But, like mince
>> pies, most will eat a token piece at xmas and the rest goes uneaten. I love
>> it but it's too calorific.