On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 11:56:53 -0700, U.S. Janet B. >
>On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 14:26:35 -0400, Lucretia Borgia
> wrote:
>>On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 09:10:01 -0700, Graham > wrote:
>>>On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 10:14:53 -0500, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>> On 2020-11-24 9:49 a.m., Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>> I liked fruitcake when I was a kid and anything sweet was good.
>>>>> I stopped liking fruitcake when I grew up.
>>>> I always liked it.
>>>>> I resumed liking fruitcake when I started making light fruitcake using
>>>>> dried fruit rather than candied fruit. I haven't bothered making it in years
>>>>> since I have nobody to give it to, my husband doesn't like it, and I
>>>>> don't need the calories.
>>>> Between the butter and the sugar I can't eat it anymore. I used to make
>>>> two batches each year, eat some and give some away. Actually, I ate a
>>>> lot of it and Christmas season usually saw a 5 pound weight gain. This
>>>> year I will make just one batch and give it to by brother and a few
>>>> friends who love it.
>>I love it but stopped making one for Xmas after David died cos I could
>>have easily eaten a whole one myself with aforementioned weight gain.
>>Now I have a friend who makes wonderful fruit cake and she will
>>deliver it on Friday, we'll have lunch and I will give her a pair of
>>hand knit socks and a knitted catnip mouse for her cat.
>>I make mince pies at Xmas as my kids wouldn't feel it was Xmas without
>>>I used to make the traditional, heavy xmas cake, as many as six at a time
>>>for gifts, injecting them with brandy using a hypodermic. But, like mince
>>>pies, most will eat a token piece at xmas and the rest goes uneaten. I love
>>>it but it's too calorific.
>The heels in the few socks I tried didn't turn out so good. I made
>mince pie once with venison. It was O.K. but not a big hit. I
>haven't tried mince since then.
>Sounds like you're busy for the holidays.
>Janet US
I have a fail safe method for heels, nobody has ever worn a pair I
made and had problems with the socks sliding down etc. I could send
to you if you would like. I like the fact there are only two threads
to finish off when done and I can knit while I watch tv and it doesn't
seem so bad as it really is